Forrester: No Love for In-Game Ads

Source: Interactive Marketing Channels To Watch In 2007, Forrester, March 27, 2007.

Was looking at a Forrester report from earlier this year and came across this graph: "Mobile and game marketing still get no love. Despite the buzz around mobile and game marketing, adoption of these channels is low. A more detailed look into this year's survey shows that only 13% of marketers currently use mobile text messages, and only 11% use wireless application protocol (WAP) sites.(see endnote 4) We also expanded our questions about game marketing to include advergames (24%), in-game placements (10%), and virtual worlds such as Second Life (7%)."

How do people come up with these numbers that in-game advertising is going to grow to$1B by 2011 if 70-80% of marketers are not even planning to go there in the next year? And 2011 is in three years.
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